Current Volunteers’ Portal

Volunteer Mentor Handbook

The Handbook includes an overview of Le Chéile and your role as a volunteer, as well as the guidelines, policies and procedures in place for mentoring young people and parents.

Mentor Update Forms

This form must be completed by Mentors after every scheduled mentoring session, whether it took place or not. The forms record the date and duration of a session, the activity that was carried out and a description of how the session went or the reason why it did not take place.

Upcoming Training or Events

Take a look at some upcoming events!

Health Assured – EAP

Health Assured provides expert advice and compassionate guidance 24/7  to Le Chéile’s volunteers on a range of personal and professional problems that could be affecting your home life or work life, health and general wellbeing.

To access the Health and Well-being Portal, visit and use the login credentials below:

Username: LeCheile

Password: EAP

Useful Resources

On this page you can find links to interesting and engaging articles, videos, training materials and other resources that may be relevant to your mentoring.

Community Services

On this page, you can find a list of community services that may offer additional support to you or your Mentee. This includes services providing out of hours support.

Where possible, you should always contact your Coordinator first for support.