Listen to Le Chéile Mentoring on Newstalk, seeking new mentors Dublin


Delighted to announce we had the opportunity to go on Newstalk and speak with Sean Moncrieff about the work Le Cheile do in regards to our mentoring groups helping young people reach their potential.

Here at Le Chéile Mentoring, the national volunteer mentoring and family support service, we have launched a new recruitment campaign seeking Dubliners to become mentors of young people and parents.

We provide a one-to-one mentoring service for young people and parents referred by the Probation Service, An Garda Síochána and the Oberstown Children Detention Campus.

Cormac Ryan is Mentor Coordinator with Le Chéile in Dublin and he joined Sean to discuss his experience and insights. You can listen to Cormac and Sean’s chat via this link to the Newstalk player!

Le Cheile with Sean Moncrieff, Newstalk

If you wish to apply to be one of our mentors you can use this link below to the volunteer application, or if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us at

Volunteer Application Form